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As we all know that moving your own is a massive work to do. It needs much planning, action and coordination to make everything go efficiently.

Relocating from your home or office needs a lot of planning to ensure everything goes well. A lot of coordination and effort on a moving day is required.

Of course, as with many initiatives, there are many myths around the concept of relocation; that is, you should not hire professional movers.

Like many other sectors, the moving sector has false narratives. Few families fail to appoint Mover Who Cares because of false info about them.

When we talk about local or long-distance relocation, opting for professional and qualified movers is the best option. But due to the misconceptions around the profession, some people choose to engage friends or family members.

If you have been unsure about opting for expert movers, here are five common misconceptions about moving and movers. Let look at six specific misconceptions and see how they stack up to reality.

Myth Number 1: Movers Will Break Item 

Many people are getting ready to transit their goods with moving company. Still, they are too nervous about handling their goods and are apprehensive about their valuable items, which are fragile and treasured heirlooms.

But the reality is that a trustworthy and professional moving organisation will treat your every item with excellent care and respect.

Of course, You can do your part by pointing fragile and antique items to your moving team much time and conveying to your moving company that cartons are transported with proper care as it contains fragile items.

But if you want to choose a moving company, make sure to hire a reputed moving company. If you are still unsure, go through customer reviews. It is one of the best ways to tell whether professional movers can handle your precious items.

Myth Number 2: All Moving Companies Are Same

This is not true. Moving Companies differ significantly in pricing, quality, availability and experience. By opting for inexperienced or dishonest movers can cost you more.

Contrary, if you operate with a reputable moving company, not only your relocation will go smoothly, but you may end up saving your precious time and money in this process.

If You need help with your next move, get to the expert and professionals at Mover Who Cares. Our professionals would be happy to help you in your relocation process!

By hiring our trustworthy company, you can be assured to save time and money and having a smooth shifting process.

Myth Number 3: Masking Tape/ Duct Tape Working As Well As Packing Tape And Do Not Use Any Cartons

If you use the appropriate type of tape for your packing, it may help you to give complete peace of mind that your precious items will stay safe during transportation.

Masking tape is used for a strong bond. But, masking tape and other tapes like duct tape are not made to stick to cardboards, so some tapes may start peeling off minutes after application.

On the other hand, packing tape is designed for cardboard which means it is the best option for securing your moving boxes during the relocation process.

Also, you cannot use any carton to pack your items when hauling. Moving boxes carry a lot of weight. Therefore, you require to get the right ones. Happily, they are available in different sizes and shapes.

Myth Number 4: All Movers Are Disorganized

Some people think that moving from one place to another will be a messy and disorganized event no matter what. Maybe they fear randomly scattered cardboard boxes and sometimes do not trust their organization skills.

But, whatever the case may be, the reality is that your relocation process can be organized if put forth a little effort. It Means labelling your cartons and placings them in the same category together, scheduling what get packed and transported and when.

But qualified and expert movers can assist their customers in keeping their precious items tidy throughout the relocation with their many supplies and experience.

Our Professional movers arrive with the proper packing materials, help you pack, label, and move the things. All you need is that everything is handled as your plan.

Myth Number 5: Friday Is The Best Day To Move Your Possession

There are several reasons behind this, and one of them is that you have an extended weekend to unpack your possessions before going back to your work.

And there are indeed some benefits of moving your possessions on Friday. But, the problem is that most people who are relocating their precious possessions think that moving on Friday may end up paying a premium for moving help, mainly if that Friday is during the summer seasons.

It can be cheaper to pick an off-peak time for your relocation process. Of course, it does not matter that you end up opting; make sure you appoint your moving company as far as possible.

Myth Number 6: Moving Is Always Stressful

It is the most significant myth of them all. A well-planned relocation does not have to be a stressful experience. You should always take simple steps as you move, so you aren’t hectically attempting to get it all accomplished at the last second.

Opting for movers to assist you with the procedure takes a ton of work and stress off your head. Moving cartons in and out of moving vehicles and guiding furniture through doorways and around corners is best left to experts.

Schedule your stress-free move step by step with our professional movers! Our exhaustive list takes you from six-eight weeks out down to your moving day.

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